That title is a bastardized version of a tweet from Julie Dubiner (@jfdubiner), shared during a conversation with Joy Meads (@capnjoy), Kris Diaz (@kristofferdiaz), and myself following the online kerfuffle surrounding the Shakespeare Theatre's production of MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. I had been expressing my anxiety over joining the conversation as I am very aware that when it comes to many conversations of privilege, I am on team privileged. Kris shared some great articles and Julie shared this thought, urging all of us (herself included) to speak out even though we may not be those at a disadvantage. Even though we may not have experienced the stereotyping or the discrimination observed. So this blog is a foray into sharing the thoughts that I usually reserve only for close friends.

It will also - hopefully - serve as a space to write feedback on various productions I see, in my home of DC and elsewhere when given the opportunity to travel. There is little that is more valuable to the artistic process than honest, productive feedback from fellow artists and I hope to be able to share some of those thoughts.

All of that said, I have, in the past, likened writing to slicing my wrists and bleeding onto a page. I am going to try to keep posts light, straightforward, and short (although, I don't discount the possibility of a rant). I love lists and bullet points, so those might show up as well. But I make no promises about the frequency of writing.

This is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.


